.:: .:.: :. You mean the world to God .: .:: :..

:.. He says He loves you more than anything & you mean the world to Him .:.:

.::. He'd do anything for you and He died on the cross to prove it :. .::

..:: When I was 6 years old, my sister told me a story about the lost sheep .::.

.: God had a hundred sheep in His flock ::.

.:.. At the end of the day, when He has brought them home, He would count them to make sure they were all there .::

.:.: One day, He found that there was only ninety-nine and it was already getting late .:

..: Nevertheless, He left the ninety-nine to look for that one which was lost .::.

..::. He searched until it was dark and finally, He heard its cries coming from the valley :..

.:.. He went towards it and found the little lamb wounded and hungry .::.

::. He moved away the rocks and carried it in His arms .:..

.: He embraced it as He said, " I will never give up until I find you. " ..:.: :..

.:: ..: ::. God has only one craving, one dream, one desire - that is you ..: ::.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Then what is a relationship? :: Part 2 ::

lawrence_teoh89 said...

Hmm.. Hav a better understanding now.. but then.....I define it as understanding and commitment between each other... lol..

Cause if you commit to each other but never understand each other throughly, not that good right? :P

But hmm.. if you don't see/accompany each other, do that makes a relationship? I don't really think so.. Cause in a relationship, there must also be intimacy right? and that involves meeting that person face to face.. If I am mistaken, correct me.. lol..


Anna's reply:

I like the way you think.. the reason I wouldn't involve understanding in the definition is probably because I was identifying love relationships in general, despite the fact whether it was a good love relationship or not.. lol! If it was in terms of a good love relationship, well, then I guess, there are loads of other things to add, isn't there? Hehe..

Secondly, addressing your statement involving intimacy, I get what you mean. You're actually right. I totally agree with you- there has to be some sort of communication between the two. That's why if relationships are about real commitment, there will be real communication. Therefore, I summarized it as commitment, that's it. Got it? :)

Once again, intimacy is the result of a healthy relationship, but unfortunately, not all relationships have intimacy. They are therefore unhealthy relationships, but relationships nonetheless.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Sunday, October 28, 2007

You can gain my love, but you can't gain my respect

Today, I suddenly understood the importance of respect. All along, I thought that if you loved a person, you would automatically respect them.. I was wrong. I just realized how I can esteem someone much more than another just because of respect. In fact, I respect Joram and Aaron so much that no matter which bf I get, I will always respect them. For instance, if my bf didn't like them.. then it's just too bad because I respect them, no matter what he says. I guess that's if I don't respect my bf as much as them.

I just realized how I can like a certain guy more than another guy.. For example- Rueben. I respect him so much, that when I see other guys.. I just can't get feelings for them.. no matter how nice or spiritual they are. I guess it all comes down to respect. It DOES have a large effect on feelings. So I can't help it.. even if the guy is so darn cute.. but if I don't respect him.. like, if I thought he was still a kid.. then I just can't have feelings for him- no chemistry, you know what I mean?

All this while I asked people- "What is respect compared to love? Who could possibly choose respect over love? Respect is not important!" My ego allows me to say this- that I was wrong. It is impossible to have feelings without respect. I just realized the pattern in the people I esteem the most in life, that they all have one thing in common- my utmost respect.

What determines my respect for people? You see I respect Joram, Aaron and Rueben. What makes them so different? It is not just the experiences that they go through in life, but how they take it. For example, a few people may go through the same experience, but it is their attitude towards those experiences that determine the level of respect I have for them.

Secondly, it is their voice of reason. One of the first things that developed my respect for Vic, my elder brother, was his voice of reason. I still remember clearly, like it happened yesterday- when I was 11, I organized a camp for kids- Indoor Camping- Organizer and Coordinator- 11 years old.. (:cough: :cough: .. ego ego..) Okayyy.... so here I was.. shouting my head off at them, trying to get them to do things I wanted them to do- buying them off with candies and sorts- oh, that worked.. but I was soon running out of candies.. -what do you expect? I was only 11. My social skills developed here, at this camp. My brother told me something that I will never forget-

As I walked into the Chairman's room (that's what it used to be called- Dad's office), Vic was there- amused. Amused at the connection between my activities and my age, I assume. I gained his respect enough for him to listen to a couple of sentences I blurted out to him (he used to shut me up by "SHUT UP, you irritating freak!" or just "SHUT UP, WILL YOU?") but this time, strangely enough, he listened as if I said something of importance. He treated me like a grown adult- (respected him first for that- will come to that later), and he gave me advice (now I was amused. Vic? -my enemy? Giving me advice? Since when did he switch from big bully to older brother? Needless to say, I treasured the moment. And remembered it like it was yesterday night.)

I said, almost in defeat, but in definite frustration- "The kids are not listening to me." I plumped onto the gray sofa nearest to me. (Sounds like a husband and wife conversation, no? -shows our level of maturity at such a young age.. :cough: :cough:)

He smiled and replied, "Anna,.. respect has to be earned." I was taken aback by the words. I know I've heard it before, and he didn't just come up with it, but it was appropriate for the moment and I finally learned how to apply quotes- and the importance of it. I guess here is where I developed my passion for quotes. They just come in so handy sometimes.

See? I couldn't remember the rest of the conversation, but I guess I know more or less on how it went. I asked him how to gain respect and stuff.. Anyway, my approach to the kids changed a lot after that. I have a tool now, and I shall use it- the art of gaining respect and taking advantage of it.

So, respect has to be earned. Firstly, through experiences and developing the right attitude towards them. Secondly, by being the voice of reason. Thirdly, as I said, 'I shall continue later', well.. that later is now. The first step in gaining respect is simple- by simply treating others with respect- whether you really respect them or not. This is the foundation and first step towards gaining respect.

I am sure there are other factors which contribute to the development of respect, but I can't think of it right now.. Nevertheless, these are the three main reasons that capture the utmost respect I have for Joram and Rueben.. Of course,.. I respect Joram so much more.

Oh.. and one more thing- age is not a factor- far from it. In fact, the older a person is, the harder it is for that person to gain my respect- this is because I would expect a higher level of maturity from them, and if they don't produce it, I tend to.. despise them- yes, an obvious weakness of mine- that's why certain adults find me really rude.. I guess I have to apply the first step when it comes to them- to treat them with respect, whether or not I really respected them.

Before I end, I would like to add one more thing- sometimes, a younger person may not be as matured as me, but because that person's level of maturity succeeds that person's age, that person has my respect- but this doesn't exactly apply to Rueben because his level of maturity didn't just succeed his age, but mine and my level of maturity at certain areas. Want me to be specific? He is what I would like to call 'hardworking'- he helps his dad, catch up well in his studies, earns money all at the same time.. don't know how he does it. Financially independent to a certain extend. Secondly, he did go through some stuff in life I wouldn't have taken so positively- kind of reminds me of Joram, but not as bad. Thirdly, he definitely treats me with respect (and I guess.. every other girl too), ma'am this, ma'am that.. lolz!

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Quotes.. more quotes..

I've been reading a book- "with this ring, i'm confused" by kristin billerbeck, and I have a few quotes with me:

"I made a lot of mistakes I would take back if I had to do over again. But of course, I can't, so you move on."


" Life is full of twists and turns. We can't plot our course. We only think we can, and eventually you become content with what God gives you, or you screw it up further."

both said by the character Kay- Ashley's house-mate.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Then what is a relationship?

I'm finally giving up.. finally.. finally.. I've given up trying to find God's will for my life.. I know that I am not even supposed to find in the first place.. but.. you know.. as a human, I have expectations too.. and I am so sick of it. I have finally begin to accept the fact that I will never find the guy for me, at least not anytime soon.. so currently, I just roam about.. flirting probably.. just befriending everyone normally and drooling over cute guys, but never really getting emo-involved with anyone of them.. that's the best for now.

You don't believe me, eh? Especially Xiying.. she will be like.. "Yeah, right.. Anna giving up- lol! Anna and her 'infatuations'.." hahah.. I can imagine the expression on her face matching that tone of her voice.. hahahaha.. so XiYing..

But seriously lar.. now is not the right time to get emo-involved with any guy.. I still have a lot of growing up to do.. besides,.. there are exams, assignments and boring stuff..

To all you singles out there who is interested in finding a stable relationship and settling down- what are you thinking? A relationship is not about going out hang kai everyday, seeing each other every day and talking to each other everyday.. there are better things to do in life. So what is a relationship really about?

A relationship is not about seeing each other. It is not even about accompanying each other. A lot of people have fine long distance relationships. Then what is a relationship? A love relationship is a commitment. A commitment between two people, to esteem and to love each other above everyone else. This is Anna's definition of a relationship.

The dictionary defines a relationship as an emotional or other connection between people. So I guess you have gained more understanding about the definition of relationship before you get into one, or if you're already in one- by reading this post. Thank you.

P:S- I have a love relationship with God- by my definition, of course.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Monday, October 22, 2007

Driving dreams...

Here is a silly sms session with a friend of mine which went totally round the bush..

Bold : me

Eh.. Busy arh? When you coming back?

So fast mis me? Lol, on my way home.. Anything?

Where got so fast? Considered slow already la.. But much faster than you la..

Ahah, thought ur didi wil accompany u.. He's like everything to u.. Hehe

He just recovered from chicken pox.. He took me to 1u this morning, then dumped me at home and went out with his friends. Didi only, mah.. Not bf.

Ahah, so how much effort u took to look after him, he dump u home 4 friends.. Cute la u..

What cute? Like that also cute ah? I show you what is cute want or not?

Ahah, dats exciting, wads cute?

-_-" it was just a statement.. What were you expecting, dude? A mirror?

U said u wanted to show me? Dats mean! U cant juz tel ppl wad u wanna show n not showing them kay!

Wah.. First i'm cute, now i'm mean? That's not fair..

Well, dun blame me, i said u were cute, u said u wanted 2 show me cuter, n it got me excited, n now ure telling me its juz a saying? Huge disappointment! Meanie

Haha.. Well, sorry to dissapoint you, [name withheld],.. but other than me, nothing's cute..

Ahah, looks like sum1's head is growing eh! Excuse me, im cute too aite, u cant hold that title all 2 urself! Learn to share!

Fine, so i can make exceptions.. But i'm telling you.. This is as for as it goes.. My decision is final.

Ahah, aww, stingy u

It's not about being stingy.. It's about being honest.

Ahah, Thx 4 ur honesty, so tel me wad else u wanna be honest about?

What do you mean? I'm always honest.. Aren't you?

Of course.. Wad else u wan 2 noe? Lol, wad do i gain by lying eh?

I want to know what time you're coming back.. Wasn't that the first thing i asked you? -_-"

Ahah, how can i tel u dat? U cant predict wads on the traffic

Erm.. Why not?

Well, i suck when it comes to directions..

Directions? You're navigating?


Go dream..

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

God of my forever - City Harvest Church

I just realized I found my fav artists.. CHC stuff.. lol!

E Emaj7 A B

E C#m
E C#m

E/G# A
E/G# C#m - B
F#m B

E Emaj7
E7/D A - - E/G#
F#m - B G#m - C#m
F#m B
E B/D#
C#m A
F#m - B G#m - C#m
F#m - B E



C#m E/G#
C#m E/G#

*thanks to Cyril .. hear the song here http://www.khorst-wushu.blogspot.com/

God of My Forever
By Gan KC

Intro: D A/D G/D A

Verse 1:
God of my youth I remember
Your call on my life took me over
Your love has seen me through all my days
I stand by Your grace
F#m7 G
On this altar I’ve written my life
F#m7 G Em7
Tells of a story I have with You my Lord
I want the world to know

D Dmaj7
God of my forever
D7 G
And forever I’m with You
Em A F#m7
My life is saved with a price
Bm7 Em A
Your sacrifice redeemed my soul
D D/C#
God of my forever
Bm7 G
And forever I will sing
Em A F#m7 Bm7
My greatest honor will always be
Em A D
To serve my Lord and King

Verse 2:
God of my all I’ve surrendered
My heart finds rest in Your word
Praises will not be enough to show
How my love for You has grown
F#m7 G
Nothing matters when You’re here with me
F#m7 G Em7
In the end just to hear You say “well done”
Bowing before Your throne


Bm7 F#m7
Forever and ever
Jesus You alone in glory reign
Bm7 F#m7
Forever and ever
With You I walk this narrow way

These are the correct chords from KC.
~City Harvest Church~

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I am willing...

Mark 1

2 As it is written in the Prophets:
“ Behold, I send My messenger before Your face,
Who will prepare Your way before You.”

I like this verse because You always prepare the way for me when You ask me to do something. You will not ask me to do something that I cannot do. You always make a way..

3 “ The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
‘ Prepare the way of the LORD;
Make His paths straight.’”

I like this verse because sometimes, You send me as a messenger to make things straight for You to come again.. You use me to put things in order for Your Kingdom to be established. And I like to be used by You. I feel very important.. like a key person.. same as when You ask me to build a school for You also.. I feel really important..

4 John came baptizing in the wilderness and preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

I like verse because it always starts with repentance.. sometimes when I want to come back to You again,.. it starts with repentance. When I ask You to forgive me, then it is easier to come back.. now I know what to do when I feel far from You.

Then all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins.

I like this verse because there was a revival. I would love to see the nations come to You from everywhere, to be cleansed by You, to come back to You.. it really touches my heart to see that. It is my desire.

7 And he preached, saying, “There comes One after me who is mightier than I, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to stoop down and loose.

I like this verse because John the Baptist was so humble.. he really put Jesus as such a high position.. even when He is his cousin. In a way, it makes me feel like I want to be like John the Baptist in the way he looks up to You.

I indeed baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

I like this verse because You bring the Holy Spirit for me. I love the Holy Spirit and I need You everyday. Without You I cannot do anything. I really need You to guide me each step of the way. I cannot live without You, Holy Spirit. I want to do everything in the Spirit.

9 It came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan.

I like this verse because You were humble.. Although You were the Christ, but You chose to put Yourself under certain authority and spiritual order and protocol. Even You put Yourself subject to it.

10 And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove.

I like this verse because its so nice the way Your Spirit descended. It shows Your beauty and majesty. It shows Your awesomeness. There is nothing like that in the earth. When You are with me, it's like that too. The things You do to show Your love for me is so special. Nothing is like it. You really treat me so special. That's just You and the way You treat people that You love.

11 Then a voice came from heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

I like this verse because You really go all out for me, to show everyone that You love me. People can see how much You love me. You're not a person that loves me in secret, but You love me openly when I love You openly. You dare to show people. It speaks Your character a lot.. You know,.. sometime guys, when they love a girl.. they are afraid to make the first move.. and then again, there are girls who make the first move.. I guess it just speaks Your character as an individual that You are a person who dares to make the first move in this relationship. You know.. many people thought that You are a god that is very quiet and all.. but You are far from it. You are loud and outspoken. You don't care about what people think because You are God, and You act like You're God.. hehe..

13 And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him.

I like this verse because in times of temptation, You bring angels to minister to me, it may be people or it may be ministering angels.. but You always provide the good in the bad times also. I guess that's You.. that's Your love for me. You can't leave me alone.. You can't stop doing nice things for me.

15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

I like this verse because there is timing. There is always a time for everything and I know that You will tell me when is the right time. Sometimes, it's not that I made the wrong decision, I just made the right decision at the wrong time. I need You to tell me what time it is.

17 Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

I like this verse because You ask me to follow You. You chose me.. I wonder why.. I feel really touched that You want me. Among all the people in the world, You picked me to follow You. It is an honor to walk everywhere You go, and to enter into the places that You enter. To do the things that You do. To follow after Your footsteps. To be like You. To follow exactly like You.

I feel so touched that You want me to follow You. Don't I irritate You? Don't I disappoint You? Don't I make You unhappy or angry? Don't I make You upset with me all the time? But You still want me to follow You.. You don't make mistakes, right? I wonder why then did You choose me. I have so many weaknesses.. I think if I'd mention them all, I'd get depressed just writing them..

But if I have a chance to follow You.. if You give me that option, I would grab it. I would seize it and follow You with all I can. Because that is all I ever wanted and there is nothing else I want more than to follow You. What can I do in this world which can be more meaningful than that? What- catching fish? If I follow You, I can do so much more- save people. This is what You can do- You can make my life from nothing to worth something. All I want is You. I will give my all to follow You. I would leave my nets.. I would leave my family, I would leave my house to follow You. It's not a very hard thing- what is mine anyway? It's like giving a rubbish man a position as CEO of the largest company in the world- Microsoft? What's so hard?

18 They immediately left their nets and followed Him.

I like this verse because I am impressed by them that they left immediately. They didn't make excuses or ask for extra time to prepare anything. Many times, when You ask me to do something, I am like.. "err.. what? Now, arh?.. You sure? You like.. very sure?.. Why not later? Why not someone else?.." I have a thousand and one excuses. They were more than just obedient. They were immediate.

20 And immediately He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went after Him.

I like this verse because they went after You. I don't believe it, but I actually have this mental picture of them literally running after You. I can imagine them on the beach there.. running! I know it wasn't mentioned in the Bible.. It was just my imagination.. I would probably be something I would have done if You walked too fast.. I would be like.. "Hey! Wait for me!!!" I will run after You..

21 Then they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and taught.

I like this verse because You taught me so many things that I cannot learn elsewhere. So many things in my life.. I can't even recall all of it. I think every single thing I know comes from You. You taught me everything I know, Lord.. Everything.. that's just Your character.. You like to teach. I guess that's why everyone called You 'teacher' that time. You know.. if You are teaching then I believe that I should be teaching as well.. I should teach Your word to the class on Sundays.. because that's what You like to do.

22 And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.

I like this verse because You are different. You have something that other people don't have. You have authority. You have boldness when You speak. Everyone knows that You are the Son of God. There is an awesomeness when You speak. You are not dry and weak like the scribes.. boring and all.. but You are full of life and energy.. when people hear, they wake up! And when You speak, such revelation flows.. that's when I know if it is from You or not. I really admire You so much.. You know I like presentations and all.. and I like to speak out publicly.. although I am a shy person.. but I like it when I do something right and everyone praises me.. haha.. who doesn't? And of course I have role models too.. I admire people like my sis Debbie because of the way she used to speak in front of crowds.. I always pretend that I am her. But You are much better than that! You are like the best speaker.. You are indeed my greatest role model.. :)

saying, “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? I know who You are—the Holy One of God!”

I like this verse because everyone knows You in the spiritual realm.. hahaha.. I can't imagine their faces when they see You.. It's like their greatest nightmare! It's so fun.. casting out demons and stuff.. I guess I should have been there to witness the whole thing.. It's just so cool, the way You scare them like that.. hehehe.. I think it was really cool.. nuts.. should've taken a video of it! It's so cool..

27 Then they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, “What is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him.”

I like this verse because You not just scared the demons but the people also.. You freaked them out.. they were like.. what the.. hahah.. I guess it was really an eye opener for them.. They never seen anything like it before! It must be really fun doing stuff like that, huh.. ahh.. wish I was one of those people who supported You that time.. I would've been so proud of You and myself for following such a geng person..

And immediately His fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee.

I like this verse because Your face spread so fast.. You just started Your ministry only.. Everybody liked You.. they thought that You were special. I think You're special too. I'm not surprised at how people are receptive towards You.. How much they hunger.. when they hear,.. news spread so fast.. Sometimes I imagine if it happened in todays time.. hehe.. I think I'd see You on Oprah Winfrey and David Letterman shows.. You have something to give that other people don't. And this something is the exact thing that I am searching for.

29 Now as soon as they had come out of the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.

I like this verse because You went to Your disciples' house. Just like You're coming to mine. I am Your disciple, right? And You want to build Your relationships with Your disciples. I appreciate the effort You make to get close to me.. and we become like one big happy family.

But Simon’s wife’s mother lay sick with a fever, and they told Him about her at once.

I like this verse because when there is a problem, people go to You first. And I think it should be that way.. when people have a problem, they should come to me first, because I have You,.. and when I have a problem, the first person I should go to is You.

So He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her. And she served them.

I like this verse because You took her by the hand. I always picture myself as her.. I feel so touched. It showed Your love.. It's so sweet of You to take me by the hand and lift me up from my situation.

It's the same as yesterday's devotion.. You also took the little girl by the hand. In that devotion, I mentioned "I just need You to believe in me, and I can do anything.." and I liked that phrase so much that it became my msn nick. I think You're trying to say something to me.. there are similarities between these two chapters, and this is one of them.

So in both situations, You took me by the hand and lifted me up. I thank You, Jesus for doing that for me. I really appreciate it so much. I thought that You were far away, but You were holding my hand and lifting me up. How could I not see that? You are so special to me.

32 At evening, when the sun had set, they brought to Him all who were sick and those who were demon-possessed.

I like this verse because people were crazy for You.. sun set already still want to come.. they were desperate.. just like I am desperate.. I don't care.. seriously.. I am so desperate for You..

33 And the whole city was gathered together at the door.

I like this verse because so many came, until the door there also crowded.. There is something in my heart that cannot be described. The longing I have to be wherever You are.. If You're in the wilderness, I'll go.. if You're in the house, I'll go. If You're in Australia.. -_-" I'll go..

34 Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him.

I like this verse because throughout Your whole life on earth.. this is what You did, and You were not bored of it.. I am amazed.. You just gave Yourself to the people.. You just give Yourself to me like that.. all the time spent just healing me from my stupid heartaches.. just transforming my rotten life, over and over again.. and You're not sick of it.. I wonder how You tolerate me..

I really admire You.. I really wish that I can be like You.. one day..

35 Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

I like this verse because of Your relationship with God.. You were desperate to spend time with Him too.. and I need this desperation.. If I really long for You, the compact duties of the day cannot hold me down.. because I should even wake up before that to spend time with You.

38 But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.”

I like this verse because You're very focused. You don't just try to please everyone. You know why You are here and You are all out to accomplish it. I admire Your focus and stability. You are not easily swayed by people. People don't tell You what to do. I wish that I could be more firm sometimes instead of letting people drive me up and down. I need more of Your character in my life.

39 And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons.

I like this verse because You are a person of regions.. You try to cover the whole region, and then go to the next region and cover it.. I don't know, but there is something territorial about the whole thing.. Sometimes You place me at a certain place, and then You bring me to another place.. and then when it's done, You bring me to another place.. but You don't bring me to another place until the whole area is covered.

40 Now a leper came to Him, imploring Him, kneeling down to Him and saying to Him, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.”

I like this verse because it was so touching.. he was so.. desperate.. when he said those words,.. my heart just melted.. "If You are willing.." wah.. I think I cry man.. if I am Jesus, I will also say.. I am more than willing.. it's like my friend to tried to belanja me makan.. I wanted to pay her back.. but she insisted.. and she said.. "It's okay.. you don't have to pay me back.. just tell me more about Jesus." ..my heart just melted to nothing.. And I will never forget that day.. I was more than willing..

41 Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.”

I like this verse because You were moved with compassion.. sometimes the things I do have to be out of compassion.. I picture it.. A leper.. no one wants to touch- came. And when it comes to healing lepers.. You always touch them.. just like when it comes to healing people on the bed, You take their hand and lift them up.. then paralyzed people, You command them to take up their bed.. there is a certain similarity.. a pattern.. I know there are explanations for each one of them.. Paralyzed people have to overcome their disbelief.. those people on the bed need someone to love them and support them.. and the leper needs someone to be willing.. to be willing to touch them.. to love them more than they love themselves when others were afraid of touching them.

When You said "I am willing.." it wasn't just "I am willing to make you clean.." but "I am willing to touch you with my bare hand.." it was that kind of willing that cleansed him. He wasn't just healed of his sickness. He was healed right there in his heart.

When the leper said.. "If You are willing.." it showed his hurt and fear of being avoided.. after so many lepers that You cleansed and all those stories, I am sure it was evident that You were willing.. he needn't ask. After all, I bet he came all the way because he heard that You heal lepers in the first place.. if not he wouldn't have been there.. but he was so hurt and all.. he had to ask first. I mean.. what made him any different from the other lepers? Why need he ask? He needn't. But he ask out of the fear of being rejected.. disappointed- hurt. That's why You were moved with compassion. Because You had compassion on his soul that was so hurt.. so broken inside.. aihhh.. now I also feel the compassion.. sigh..

As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed.

I like this verse because he wasn't healed when You touched him but when You spoke that You were willing and ask him to be cleansed. But most of all, I like this verse because he was cleansed.. it was a happy story! Yay~! My favorite leper was cleansed! Hallelujah!!!

45 However, he went out and began to proclaim it freely, and to spread the matter, so that Jesus could no longer openly enter the city, but was outside in deserted places; and they came to Him from every direction.

I like this verse because it is the last verse.. and I am done! Hahaha.. just kidding.. I like it because the people came from every direction to a deserted place.. well.. I guess that place isn't so deserted after all! You changed even a deserted place to a major meeting point of people from every direction.. it was crowded! There were so many people there.. thousands.. many times, I feel that I also am deserted.. but it is only a good sign to show that You will make my life as a major meeting point and I will meet people from every direction! From all over the world.. hehe.. thank You, Jesus..

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I need You

Psalms 28:8

8 The LORD is their strength,
And He is the saving refuge of His anointed.

Strength. Yeah.. this is what I need right now.. although I know very well that I am not a failure and all.. it's like.. after the fight.. I won but I'm still wounded.. aihh.. wounded soldier.. I need You, Lord.. I need You to give me strength.. no.. most of all.. I need You to be my strength. I rely on You alone.. this life is not mine.. I don't want to live it anymore. I want You to be the one living in me. I want You to be the strength which carries both these spiritual and physical bodies through. I need You.. You are my strength. I have nothing left.. without You, I am nothing. How can I go through this life alone? How can I go through this life at all... if I don't have You? There is nothing for me here.. there is no strength left in me.. I cannot get a degree without You as my strength. I would completely fail everything if I didn't have You. Because I don't have what it takes. I have nothing and I am nothing. But You.. You have everything and is everything. How can I live without You?

I need You, Lord.. please don't leave me. You are my only hope. You are the only one who can help me. I desperately need You. Please be with me.. I am nothing, and that's why I need You. Without You, I am like that worm in little mermaid.. that seaweed people.. under the curse.. helpless.. no purpose, no use.. not even valuable in terms of looks.. totally useless.. in fact, it takes up space.. and the sight of it makes me feel like throwing up.. that's who I am without You.. until You come and rescue me.. and make me something.. make me the person I am meant to be.. yeah.. that's my mental picture.. You are that powerful Saviour who grabbed the long thing and turn me back into the person You made me to be.. redeem me from this evil curse.. from a useless, space wasting creature.. to Your child. Thank You, Jesus.. Thank You for being my strength.. thank You for being my hope.. and thank You for being my salvation.. now that I am weak.. as weak as I am always.. You are backing me up.. You are the stick that holds up that creeper plant, which is me.. I love You, Jesus.. Thank You so much.. I need You..

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Monday, October 15, 2007

Quotes - copyrighted by God and Anna

When there is someone around you in troubled times, its good..
but when there is someone around you all the time, that's even better.

Lord,.. if You can speak to me,
then no matter where I am in this world,
I will be happy.

Chasing your dreams is like running after the wind-
once you caught it, you know you're dreaming..

What is the class you enjoy the most in your whole life?
- finding my dreams
And the subject I enjoy the most is realizing it.

Just because you don't know a person, does not mean you know them
- so stop making assumptions

To fail is one thing
- to accept is another;
to believe that you're a failure is a whole different thing altogether.
But doing something about it becomes a whole new world.

Sadness is in the eyes
- when failure is in the heart.

Pride does not need a reason
- but failure does;
and the reason for failure is sometimes pride.

It is not the first time I've failed, actually
- it is just my first time realizing it.

So what's with being a human being and making mistakes?
- stupid question..
Being a human being is all about making mistakes.

There is nothing wrong about you
- just your attitude.

Arrogance leads to failure.

I'm a small kid
- and small kids don't give up so easily.

I cannot change people
- whether or not they change is their choice.

I will never understand God's love for me until You show it.

Sometimes you don't know how slow you are until you get onto the fast lane.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Slave of Failure

Genesis 15:14

14 And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions.

I don't know why this verse strikes me.. I don't even know why this word strikes me. But it sure does. You know, I never thought that when the Children of Israel came out of Egypt that the possessions they plundered from the Egyptians were that great.. I knew it was a lot.. but I didn't know it was so much that You had to mention it to Abraham. I mean.. You were just talking about the important stuff when You summarized the future to him, why did You have to mention about the great possessions, unless they were really that great! For goodness sake,.. You didn't even mention about Moses- the chosen leader to lead them out of Egypt- not even a hint! And You didn't say.. "they shall come out with great miracles, signs and wonders".. instead You said.. "they shall come out with great possessions".. what the crap?

Abraham was already rich. And when it comes to talking to rich men about big money, they mean business. He was equivalent to Bill Gates in this time, and when you tell Bill Gates "great possessions" or "big money", it's not just millions we're talking about here, but billions of US dollars.

Imagine if I were to be given a chance to plunder Egypt! Imagine if I could withdraw as much cash as I wanted from the WorldBank without having to pay any interest or give anything back.. I would be richer than Bill Gates! Heck.. I would even be richer than some of the countries in this world, I guess.. I could probably 'buy over' this place.. if you know what I mean.. after all.. 'every head has a price'.. lol.. Just like IMF.. they have the money, and they can throw their weights around.. ok, why am I talking about this? Too much college..^^

Ok, I admit.. I was worried. I was so worried about my future that when I found out that I failed one of my subjects, I freaked out. I totally lost it.. I told myself.. how could I ever do anything for You? I saw myself as a total failure. True.. I AM a failure. But You are not.. So the Children of Israel were slaves.. like I am a slave of failure. But You redeemed them. And so You are redeeming me. You redeemed them and gave them so much more than they needed. So You also want to give me everything I need for Your purposes.

Slave of failure.... who would have ever thought of it? Help me!!!! The song 'More than Useless' kept bugging me since the morning after the day I failed. Aihh... fail fail fail... God help me.. I think about it every now and then.. It hurts me as though a guy just dumped me.. Heck.. I rather be dumped by my biggest crush than to fail any one of my subjects!!!! Crap.. After all,.. crushes are just crushes.. welcome to the real life, Anna~!

I wonder what it is like talking to the best straight A's student in the world about 'flying colours'.. I bet it's not just another line of A's.. I bet it's.. man.. I can't even imagine what could be better than that! Argh,.. since when did I have so much faith? I feel like condemning myself for the faith I have.. no, actually,.. I am not condemning myself for this faith but for this stupid laziness..

Would You? Would You do that for me? After all the times I failed You,.. in my relationships, in my spiritual life, in my studies.. I failed You over and over again.. I am a slave to failure, Lord.. would You forgive me? Would You redeem me? Would You? If I were You, I'd think I wouldn't.. slave of failure.. coming out with great possessions.. I still remember dad proclaiming the declaration yesterday before offering time.. "...bonuses! properties! good results in exams! unexpected gifts!" All these are considered.. 'great possessions' to a person like me.. and the words hit me hard.. 'good results in exams'.. 'good results in exams'.. 'good results in exams'... arghhhh!!! Want to hit myself on my head, but don't know where's the hammer.. ishhhh.. such a failure... such a failure!!!!

What la.. come and do devotion also condemn myself like mad.. FAIL~! See? Fail again.. ish ish.. do devotion also fail..aiyah.. forget it la.. everything also fail.. fail only lar! I fed up de.. want to cry now.. sigh.. fail my devotion.. I think the only thing good I am at is blogging.. how can You live with a person like me? How do You tolerate me? Patience. I guess patience comes from You.. aihhh.. see? Need so much patience with me.. Only You can have patience with me, lar.. no one else.. Lord.. whoever I get next time, ah.. please.. give him patience to tolerate me.. I suck.. I really do.. If only he can have the patience that You have.. then he can tolerate my failure also..

God,.. I really fail so much.. You sure You want to use me, ah? After I fail how? I want to cry de.. I so no confidence in myself.. no confidence.. aihh.. for Your own sake, la.. don't use me.. after You regret.. You sure You want to use me, ah? Don't regret wan ah? Don't after I fail already.. condemn.. but You don't condemn wan lar.. only the devil.. so I cannot let people condemn.. not even myself..

Aihh.. really want to cry de.. You trust me so much.. a failure like me.. trust me with great possessions.. seriously, I don't deserve to handle that kind of money, la.. My business studies so bad, how to handle money? I am beginning to lose my dreams of opening big businesses for You de.. beginning to lose hope in franchising hotels.. sigh.. my dream.. so many dreams la.. hotels is just one of it.. but when think of the finance.. I just lost hope, until You told me about the big money.. then only the dream start to come back.. I always wanted my own hotel, remember? Hehe.. double one hotel.. crazy me when I was a kid last time.. wanted to do everything.. bell boy, la.. room service, la.. house keeping.. You name it la.. I wanted it so bad.. You know, when You mentioned 'great possessions' and 'big money' to me, You know what was in my mind? (Yeah.. of course You know..) it wasn't just the school actually.. it was more on businesses.. Hotel industry.. I imagined a hotel in every major country that my church goes to.. a grand hotel, not any low cost air asia hotel.. a real one.. a nice one.. a magnificent one.. aihhh... dreams will be dreams.. now I feel like taking up H&T,.. after all, I have 40% in KDU.. but there's not where You're leading me.. arghh.. better catch my heart back.. it's running around playing football.. I don't even enjoy football..

Aiyah.. You purposely wan is it? Purposely let me fail, so I feel the pain.. sigh.. oklar.. whatever la.. fail fail, lor.. but as long as I am alive, I shall serve You and love You.. I will try harder this semester.. promise.. I won't fail You again..

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Friday, October 12, 2007

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

A 002220
E 022100
D xx0232

We'll do it all, everything, on our own.
We don't need anything, or anyone.

If I lay here, if I just lay here
Would you lie with me, and just forget the world.

I don't quite know how to say how I feel
Those three words, I said too much, but not enough.

If I lay here, if I just lay here
Would you lie with me, and just forget the world.
Forget what we're told, before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life.

Let's waste time, chasing cars, around our heads.
I need your grace to remind me, to find my own.

If I lay here, if I just lay here
Would you lie with me, and just forget the world.
Forget what we're told, before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life.

All that I am, all that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see
I don't know where, confused about how as well
just know that these things will never change for us at all.

If I lay here, if I just lay here
Would you lie with me, and just forget the world.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Come Holy Spirit - City Harvest Church

Come Holy Spirit
Fall on me now
I need Your anointing
Come in Your power
I love You Holy Spirit
G#m C#m
You're captivating my soul
And everyday
I grow to love You more

I'm reaching for Your heart
You hold my life in Your hand
Drawing me closer to You
I feel Your power renew
D#m7/5 G#
Nothing compares to this place
C#m B A
Where I can see You face to face
I worship You
In Spirit and in truth


Come Holy Spirit
Fall on me now
I need Your anointing
Come in Your power
I love You Holy Spirit
Bm Em
You're captivating my soul
And everyday
I grow to love You more

I'm reaching for Your heart
You hold my life in Your hand
Drawing me closer to You
I feel Your power renew
F#m Bsus
Nothing compares to this place
Em D A/C#
Where I can see You face to face
I worship You
In Spirit and in truth

G Em Am D

Bsus/F# B Em D A/C# Am C/D G

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Why love doesn't make sense..

Love is nonsense because it make no sense? Huh? Dun really agree with that..

Wondering why u wrote about that... Any reasons? Lol..

But I love the last part.. =)



Haha.. I knew someone would object to that~! Hehe.. thanks for asking, now I can explain myself.. hehe..

Well,.. to me, love doesn't always make sense because no matter what wrong that person does, we will still love that person. Sometimes we ourselves don't understand why. I can give myself a thousand reasons why I should not love a particular person, but I can't help it- I don't choose who I love. No matter how I try to reason myself out, it can make all the sense in the world not to love him, but I just can't stop loving him- because love doesn't always make sense. When we do certain bad things, it doesn't make sense why God still loves us, but He does.. So love doesn't always make sense. That's why no one can explain why God loves us. He loves us unconditionally, with the agape love.

So now you know why I said love doesn't make sense? =)

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Monday, October 01, 2007

Quotesby Anna-Grace and God, copyright

29 Sept 07

Love is nonsense :) because it makes no sense

30 Sept 07

You can get what you want
you want what you can get

1.37am - 1 Oct 07

If You don't love me, I'd be loved by no one

I am 100% dependant on Your love

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *