.:: .:.: :. You mean the world to God .: .:: :..

:.. He says He loves you more than anything & you mean the world to Him .:.:

.::. He'd do anything for you and He died on the cross to prove it :. .::

..:: When I was 6 years old, my sister told me a story about the lost sheep .::.

.: God had a hundred sheep in His flock ::.

.:.. At the end of the day, when He has brought them home, He would count them to make sure they were all there .::

.:.: One day, He found that there was only ninety-nine and it was already getting late .:

..: Nevertheless, He left the ninety-nine to look for that one which was lost .::.

..::. He searched until it was dark and finally, He heard its cries coming from the valley :..

.:.. He went towards it and found the little lamb wounded and hungry .::.

::. He moved away the rocks and carried it in His arms .:..

.: He embraced it as He said, " I will never give up until I find you. " ..:.: :..

.:: ..: ::. God has only one craving, one dream, one desire - that is you ..: ::.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

I Saw Jesus

Saw this on FB and thought I should keep this post in a safe place:

Hello. This is my first post. I posted anonymously bc I think others may make fun of me. This incident happened last summer. But i think about it all the time. I wish i understood the meaning of it. I have been reading the posts about nde and I now have the courage to share my story. My husband and I were eating at a diner having an early dinner. When ordering, at the last second, i added bacon to my order. After ordering i said to my husband "i hope the bacon is ok to eat at this time of the day. Maybe i shouldnt of ordered it." The food came right out and we started eating. A few minutes into the meal I felt the bacon was not going down my throat. I sipped my soda and still it would not go down. I then realized I was choking and i needed help. I began to wheeze and I started to panic. I looked at my husband and reached my hands towards him. He then asked me if I was ok. I shook my head no. I slid out of my seat and stood up. My husband quickly started to perform the heimlich on me. He tried several thrusts but It was not working. My wheezing got louder. I started to feel weak. I felt like I was in a fog. I remember my husband shouted "call 911 my wife is choking." I felt like it wasn't real. This can't be happening to me. I was in a dream. At that moment right in front of me Jesus appeared. He was standing up off of the floor. He was dressed in all white. It was very bright. He had a gold ring around his head. It was a beautiful blue behind him. Once I saw Him I knew I was going to die. This was it. This is how im going to die. He then said to me " I am here, Noreen." He outstretched his hand to me. I was then felt completely at peace. I wasn't scared anymore. So I said. "Ok, take me with You". I then reached for Him. I wanted to take His hand. I began to feel my body falling forward. I remember thinking to myself i need to lay down. Suddenly my husband pulls me straight up and backwards into his body to stop me from falling. It was at that moment the food became dislodged. I started to breath easier. The wheezing had stopped. I was ok. I was alive but I wasn't sure. I looked for the image of Jesus but he was gone. I realized I did not die. My husband asked me if I was ok. He told me i was white as a ghost. He asked me again if I was ok. I remember thinking i just saw Jesus. He was right in front of me. Did everybody else see Him? He was right there. I was shaking. I did not feel like I was there in my body. Was i in a dream I wasn't sure. I am not a religious person but i believe. Why did He appear and not take me with him? Why did He appear and not someone else like my grandparents who i spent a lot of time with? Is He still with me? Maybe it means nothing at all. I don't know. But I'm positive it was Jesus. I'm alive. And i do not need to be afraid of dieing anymore. I won't be alone. When the time is right, I guess, He will take my hand and lead me home. I will try not to be afraid. 
Thank you for reading my post. My eyes are filled with tears as I write this. It was frightening experience. I hope and pray He is still here for me.

By "Norleen" aka Anonymous.

My comment:

My mom saw Jesus -- twice. Neither was near death experiences.

The first time, she had morning sickness and Jesus came through the window and held her hand and walked out with her to show her something -- an answer to a question she had which would decide her next move.

The second time He came was five kids later. She was praying in the room. He came, took her by the hand and led her out through the door -- she saw herself still kneeling. He took her to all the other people in the Bible School and told her what would happen to each one and to each of her kids. Then, took her back through the door of the prayer room. She got up and went to meet the rest for breakfast -- they wore the exact same thing she saw them wearing earlier so it wasn't a dream. But after prayer, all of them refused to eat. When she asked why, one of them spoke out and said that they will not eat until she had told them of her devotion that morning. She was startled but shared that Jesus took her for a walk. So they all sighed a sigh of relief and he explained that her face shone.... I guess that's why your face was white..... Or maybe you had a lack of oxygen.

But I'm glad He didn't take you just yet. Remember to talk to Him daily and read His Word so you can hear His voice.

It's not your time. You are here to share your story.

You will go to Heaven if you continue to develop your relationship, chatting with Him and loving Him.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Monday, February 19, 2024

Divine Encounters

When I was 5+ years old, late one morning, a voice said to me, "Anna, you're going to have a great party." Who would believe me? But I did have a great party -- more than a hundred people, someone built a treehouse with a slide that went into a pool of water. We had playground equipment hired, a handmade indoor maze bigger than half a basketball court, mascots, etc. 

And again when I was 17, I was studying for my finals and really struggling with biology, a fatherish voice boomed so loudly but comforting, "Why are you pushing yourself?" My parents didn't hear a thing.

God spoke to my dad for half an hour when he was 19, telling him that He would use Him to preach the gospel, and showed him visions of him preaching to hundreds -- he was just a new Christian then and didn't know that some of the words He spoke came from the Bible, "While you were in your mother's womb, I knew you and ordained you as a prophet to the nations". (He grew up in a small village in Malaysia.) My dad is an international preacher now.

My mom did not just hear God but Jesus came to visit her -- twice. The second time He did, He took her out of her body and went for a walk around the house and told her what would happen to each kid while they were sleeping -- all came to pass.

Many more stories -- angels, demons, healing the sick, raising the dead, etc.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Family Dynasties

Might want to look up family dynasties: Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc. just to learn from them but not follow them.

It works and it is good for continuing something that you really have in your heart, i.e. ensuring that each of your descendents have a pool they can get a loan for a house from or a loan for their studies. Interest paid is less than the bank but goes back into that pool. 

A pair of parents wrote a will that nobody could sell an amazing piece of property that they bought by the beach but everyone in that family can use it for holidays etc. for free and so it has been going on for generations. Everyone ended up going there for holidays because it was free, and they kept meeting other family members and relatives and networked among themselves pretty well each holiday. That's a way they kept the family together.

What I can never really understand is that after so many generations have bought houses and earned their way to the top, it doesn't last more than three generations unless you have something legal in place like this. 

Sometimes it is called a family trust or a foundation. When David told God that he wanted to build Him a house, God said He would build him a house instead and the word for that is Dynasty. This is why it is so important to understand about family dynasties and how they work.

All the best.
* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Homesteader Homeschooler Amateur YouTuber Wannabe

Watch other homesteaders on YouTube. The less professional, the more authentic and the more people will want to watch. Today, it is all about originality, the human touch, and authenticity.

Display your mistakes, brag about it, make a blooper. And you will be the greatest hit on YouTube. I want to watch the hilarious and real life of homesteading, and your amateur set up. It is real life, and people appreciate that because they can identify with it.

If it helps, watch an episode of A for Adley. Little girls love that show because they wish they had a father that cared at all, played with them.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

Wednesday, February 07, 2024


Your voice,
calling me.

– I'm sorry.


– again.

How can I,

A life,

Without sorrow,





Come now, 
come now.

Come now, 
to the hungry.

will be forgotten.

I hear You, 
I hear You.

I hear You,
calling me.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *