.:: .:.: :. You mean the world to God .: .:: :..

:.. He says He loves you more than anything & you mean the world to Him .:.:

.::. He'd do anything for you and He died on the cross to prove it :. .::

..:: When I was 6 years old, my sister told me a story about the lost sheep .::.

.: God had a hundred sheep in His flock ::.

.:.. At the end of the day, when He has brought them home, He would count them to make sure they were all there .::

.:.: One day, He found that there was only ninety-nine and it was already getting late .:

..: Nevertheless, He left the ninety-nine to look for that one which was lost .::.

..::. He searched until it was dark and finally, He heard its cries coming from the valley :..

.:.. He went towards it and found the little lamb wounded and hungry .::.

::. He moved away the rocks and carried it in His arms .:..

.: He embraced it as He said, " I will never give up until I find you. " ..:.: :..

.:: ..: ::. God has only one craving, one dream, one desire - that is you ..: ::.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Dislike elementary sermons?

I've been in a situation where God has asked me to preach a very simple message to the church I was visiting -- the topic was "Vision". It wasn't highly revelational or trendy or 'new'. It wasn't something on my heart or something I would choose. But I went with it anyway. 

When we enter a church and realize that the preacher is not preaching a highly revelational topic or new to us, or that we didn't learn anything from it, don't judge the preacher. Sometimes, elementary preaching is not caused by the preacher but the congregation.

Hebrews 6:1
Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. 3 And this we will do if God permits.

So elementary preaching is permissable but rare.

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

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