(KL) - all in one week, then to the north again (Ipoh and Penang).. to the west (KL).. to the south (PD).. to the west (KL).. to the south maybe (Singapore)...
Ok.. here are what my dates looked like.. *phew*!
3-5th August 2007 - Ipoh Healing Rally
1. A Pure Heart - choir song in parts.. mainly by Aunty Melanie who sang the first round as a solo..
2. Heart of Worship - duet with Gabriella; I sang the first verse and pre-chorus, Gabriella the second verse, duet with her another pre-chorus and everyone joined in the choruses.
After that, Gabriel sang with Aunty Melanie the song about the woman who bled and touched the hem of Jesus.. it was beautiful, and very meaningful for the healing rally..
*please note:
Gabriella and Gabriel are two different cell members- so please do not get them mixed up! The first being female and the second being Malaccan..kakaka..
OK, so Gabriel has like this adorable twin bros and sis.. whom I call my didi and meimei... but let's not get into that right now! Haha... Anyway.. they're Micheal and Hosanna.. they're now like.. 18.. same age as Eugene.. :)
Ok,.. so I went there, and guess who I met!!! Ok, there was this bunch of girls, right.. like really young ones.. like in High School or something, so I was eying them,.. they knew the songs by heart, so I can tell that they were church members already, and not new ones.. but there was this girl among them.. she was dressed like a tomboy.. (a really cute one), and she was much shorter than the rest.. her hair was like.. super cool, okay? she had like this geled up hair.. spiky with a long tail at the back.. she just looked so so hot... I mean.. if she was a guy... *ahem *ahem.. okay,.. let's not get into that! :P
So anyway.. I kinda felt pity for her,.. well because she was a tomboy and being an ex-tomboy myself (sometimes still am! shhhh...), I know what it feels like.. the rejection, the stares, the disrespect, the limitations and all.. so I couldn't help eying her.. (I mean.. other than the fact that she was cute..).. so anyway (no, I'm sorry.. forgot to steal a pic of her for you! but I've got a pic of Eugene if you want! He's cute too.. :P Haha.. took it while trying to take a pic of a mountain and he just had to pass by at the right time.. so *snap*! wanna see? show you guys later! Well, when I have it, I will edit this post with all the pics.. so come back later, k?)
Ok, so anyway, after everything, I was chatting with the girls.. (ahha.. no idea why.. don't ask me!) and I got their names! wow.. a miracle, right? (duh.. like.. ain't that the first thing you ask a person? "Hi, what's your name?" so, yeah.. duh..) The first girl I talked to was Mandy.. the second girl I talked to was Mandy too.. oh.. wait.. yeah.. Mandy 1 and Mandy 2.. eh.. no erm.. was it Mandy Chong and Mandy Yap?.. Mandy.. Mandy.. erm.. Eh? what was it again? Oops... I forgot! Oh, no.. I don't believe it! Ok,.. lemme see.. Mandy.. Mandy.. errr... nuts.. yeah I think I forgot.. man!!.. should have blogged earlier.. >.< What the... what the... the.. the.. the... .... ... :O then.. from ...Winnie? to finally.. "... :) Winnie.." and "..I'm still having your fish, you know?" Okay, for those of you who have no idea what I am saying, refer back to my post like a decade ago when I went to Ipoh.. here :) ok, so Winnie smiled.. (yay! 'tomboy's got a name! :D) yes,.. and the two Mandys went giggling at her.. more like the giggled tease.. like they actually understood what I meant.. (come to think of it.. they might actually know about it..) but in my brain.. I was still like.. Winnie?... no.. no, man.. Winnie???? ok, now pity was at it's peak. What the heck happened to her? She used to be a small kid,.. running around.. talking a lot.. like.. a LOT.. now what happened to her? She 'used to be' a girl too.. what happened? ... WHAT HAPPENED??? by now the only thing in my brain was.. :O
Trying to regain my coolness,.. I looked over to Mandy 1 who was Winnie's older sister.. "She wasn't like that last time.." then I realized the seriousness in my tone.. but I couldn't be bothered with it.. I was still shocked, actually.. Come to think of it.. I think I was actually frowning when I said that.. haha.. sorry.. my 'shockiness' took over.. haha.. so much for being 'cool'.. =/
The sis answered me.. "Yeah.. last time she not like that one.. then change already.. you guess how old is she.." I was like.. ok.. since her sisters were both 15, she must be younger.. but how much younger? the last time I saw her.. I think she was 8 or something.. but she looks so much more than 10 right now.. I made a wild guess.. "12?" then they were like laughing away... Okay,.. wrong guess ... "13??".. then they were like.. "yeah.. 13,.. hehe.." I was like,.. Okayyy.. so somebody is growing up.. I thought I was her the most only 2 years ago?
Ok, so anyway.. all my focus went on her from then onwards.. I was still recovering from my shockiness.. how lame of me.. -_-" yes, how lame.. but I was also intrigued by how cute she looked all at the same time.. don't worry.. Eugene was there to 'neutralize' things.. ahah.. it's good to have cute guys around.. thank God for cute guys.. now I understand why He created some cute.. :) Cute guys are always there when you need 'em.. :P
Ok.. so I did spend time chatting with her.. she was a really good girl.. the next day, she made milo for me also.. hot hot one.. so hard to drink.. summore must drink fast fast one because worship starting already... sigh,.. ahhaha.. but it's okay lar..
drink hot milo
drink hot tea
burn my lips and remember Winnie
I tell you,.. so funny la.. she thought she very geng.. she actually got asthma, so she has this small finger-size thing to put in her nose wan.. (you know right?) yeah.. so she Purposefully unscrewed the cover open with one hand and used it, and screwed the cover back on.. like no one else could do it.. ahah..then, I smiled and took it from her.. -confident that I could do about the same.. I took it, opened it without a fuss and closed it back, all with nothing but fingers, even smoother than she did it! Hah! ahahah... these is what guys do during their free time.. or rather.. while listening to message.. haahhahHAHHHHHhahHhha,.. okay.. anyway... yes, I was super arrogant! and then, here comes.. she took out a Pen! AHHAHAHAH.. now I really got smiling! I was even better at that! In fact, pens are like the basic when it comes to finger stunts.. I kinda expected her to do that already.. it's like this was la.. girls.. if you don't know what guys do, right.. it's like that wan la.. they like to challenge each other.. man.. I never thought I'd live to see this day! This day is the day when I can FINALLY be challenged to show off my pen skills! YessssSS!!! Now is MY CHANCE! THIS IS my MOMENT of VICTORY!! YESSSSSSS! NOWWWW!!! MWHAHAHHAHAHAA... >=) before she could show me her first stunt, I already SEIZED the pityful pen from her and Did My Thang!!! :P
Haha.. so I spent the time listening to message, teaching her how to play with the pen.. then the pen kept dropping.. so we kept picking it up..hahah.. yeah... and then she taught me how to play with the coin.. she not bad also lar.. well I hope she practices her pen stunts.. hehe.. that one andrew taught me one and the rest also... hmm.. haha. I remember she asked me.. "who teach you wan?" haha.. I thought of this as an opportunity to influence her to be heterosexual.. then, thankful to God that a guy did teach me- andrew!, I answered her proudly.. "a guy taught me wan.." hehe.. then thought.. maybe I can encourage her to get a pet bro.. hopefully it will neutralize things.. so I added.. "my pet brother.." ..then she "ooh.."
after the whole thing, I can still remember Winnie, when she was walking me down the stairs for the 'goodbyes', she was like.. "Eugene is handsome, right?" I was like.. "huh!!????" and summore, he was like.. just at the bottom of the stairs, outside there, reading his sms.. (there was someone who kept sms-ing him the wholeee way.. some gurl, definately!..) to tell you the truth, from her statement, I should've been relieved that she wasn't.. you know.. les.. but somehow they way it was said didn't exactly sound right.. I mean.. she sounded kinda sad that he was actually 'handsome'.. So I wasn't exactly relieved,. in fact, it got me even more worried.. but that time, I was still blurr... (aiyah.. I blurr the whole way la..).. at the back of my mind, I was still telling myself to remain as a good role model to her of what a girl should be like.. and that I should be encouraging her as much as I can, not to be a les.. just incase she was.. I answered.. "erm... yeah.. he is..." added to it.. there was this uncle walking down the stairs with us.. just like 5 steps below us.. but I couldn't care less about what he thought of me.. after all,.. admiring guys was supposed to be a natural thing for girls and should be encouraged.. somewhere at the back of my mind, I was also thinking if that uncle is going to thank me for encouraging that if he even did hear me.. but then again.. (yes, I know,.. I think a LOT.. so next time you see me blurr blurr dreaming at nothing.. yeah,.. you got the idea..) ..somewhere at the back of my head.. I was also wondering if Eugene could hear me.. you know la.. staircase.. echo.. yeah.. so.. but then again.. what was important right now was not my image.. I have to sacrifice my image for possible misunderstandings and concentrate on my responsibility of becoming a good role model to her as an ex-tomboy.. and that being a girl is much better than being a tomboy.. but then again I was tempted so I continued.. "emm... maybe not handsome la.. cute.." then she immediately said.. "no, handsome.." and she sounded so serious.. so I also dare not offend her.. what if she really liked him? then I was like.. "erm, oklar.. handsome" then I thought about it again.. but I have to be honest with myself and with her.. so is he really handsome or not? I shouldn't answer her based on 'external issues'.. I knew that ultimately, the most important thing here is trust.. and she must be able to trust my honesty.. so honestly, my taste for handsome guys are quite high,... no, really,.. seriously.. no no.. hey.. I'm being honest, okay?? I can call any guy cute.. but handsome?? Nah... hardly.. there are like less than 5 guys in this whole world I would consider handsome.. seriously.. I mean... other than those models I see in the advertisements.. It's like.. pretty and beautiful just ain't the same thing, ya'know? I can't simply call any guy handsome.. it's just.. against my values.. it didn't feel right to make a quick judgement on this kind of things.. ok, so to tell you the truth.. I still haven't figured it out yet.. is he or is he not.. he was quite like.. in-between.. anyway he was still young.. so I ended with "mm,..nolar.. cute.." but surprisingly, she was more adamant than I was and ended with.. "no,.. handsome." so,... what can I say???.. nothing la!
Unless she actually did like him,.. why was she so adamant? but most of all... why was she so unhappy about him being 'handsome' (if that is what he was..) so well,.. yeah.. it did keep me wondering...so until now, I'm still worried for her.. and no idea what to do, actually,.. so I left it hanging.. again.. =/
I mean.. how am I going to handle these kind of problems next time? Like when I get a school, and there are girls in it.. sighh,.. now I got me worried about other things.. but worry in itself is not good,.. Jesus told us not to worry about the future.. somewhere at the back of my heart (not head), I am hoping that one day, I will be able to solve these kind of issues.. like when I grow up or something.. sigh.. I'm already 21.. sigh. nvm...
* tRUST & OBey the LORD *
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