okie enuf of willie wonker and the chocky.. hey, did i mention that i like willie wonker?? hahha... ok ok.. >.<
well another thing that happened in ipoh was that the police caught me and wanted to jail me.. haha.. they caught us on the road and ask us for i/c and then i never bring I/c... duh.. because it was in the house and we lost our way to the house.. actually we already stop at the road because we were waiting for our friends to come and bring us home because none of us in this car knows how to go home..so.. need backup.. then police come already, check i/c and create problem for me... aihhh.. who ask me never bring i/c right.. and then chris was driving and so he was called out of the car (hey, by right they are not allowed to ask us out.. its the rule..) but he went out anyway, and was questioned and he try to plead with the police to let me go because i was the only one who didnt bring my i/c.. and he actually can saman me or bring me to jail straight away.. so anyway, he plead and plead and i was waiting with denise in the car.. then you know la.. hungry people like me although i was already eating kit kat which denise bought at the cinema, still very fast impatient one.. so i come out of the car and stand between him and the police to see what all the trouble was about.. and the police (there were 2) asked me to fill in the details.. while i was writing it down on a scrap of paper the other police asked me what my dad was working as.. i was like... "err.. pastor.. paderi.." dont know how to say.. but also dont care.. as long as he so called understand la.. and then
he was like.. "oh.. kamu ni dari mana?"
i was like.. "mm.. kl.."
he said " kl mana?"
i was like.. "pj, section 12"
then he said " di sini jugak sama dengan di pj, tau? di sini ada banyak kes kes yang jadi" i just nodded..then he warned me that it was dangerous not to bring my i/c.. "kamu boleh kena saman tau?" i nodded again.. then he let me go.. *phew.. now i got peace,.. and continue eating my kit kat..
erm.. lemme see,.. what else in ipoh?? ahh.. yes, i met a new friend, her name is Winnie~!! she is 11 years old and she calls me "Anna Fish.."... great~! first Angela the fish then Eujin the fish and then now it is Anna the Fish~! are we a school of fish or a college of fish now~?~!.. anyway.. i like that name.. by the time i wanted to go back home, she gave me a pic of a fish and wrote this ::
For U Anna Fish!
From :: Winnie
at the back i asked her to write her address because she doesnt go online and doesnt even have an email address.. so i have to mail to her literally.. and then she also gave herself two fishes.. one was medium sized and one was mini size.. of course mine was GIANT size.. hehe.. because i so fat.. hahar.. anyway, on the medium one i wrote my add and on the mini one i wrote my online contact addresses and stuff.. who knows.. maybe one day, right?? yeh..
so now in miri.. there is connection here.. haha.. i so happie.. stay at hotel summore.. not longhouse or what.. thank God i brought my swimming gear and goggles.. just now went to the beach and then go swim swim.. hmm.. beach.. reminds me of aaron.. kuantan... aaron... kuantan... arghh~! >.< cannot~!
yeah lor.. so i went alone.. my parents busy in the meeting.. and then i go build sand castle.. i did a little model of my school which i wanna build.. a little one only la. nothing one.. dig one big hole.. make a wall around it.. then use the sand i dug out to build the school in in front or rather.. behind it.. altogether the school was like 2 feet and the hole another 2 feet long and the depth of the hole was like 1/4 feet?.. ook!! nvm...
and then i sit at the hole there and dip my feet into the water gathered at the hole.. because the sand arh.. is like clay sand one.. very erm... how to say.. like use to make pots one... yeah.. and then dig already alot of water down there one..because so near the sea.. further away got alot of crab like to stay one.. aaaaaaaahhhh!! i know why.. because it was low tide that time.. now i think my school habis musnah already..
and then go swim swim alone.. so boring.. then lie down at the long chair there facing the beach.. or supposed to face the beach, all blocked by other long chairs and tables in front of me.. and trees la.. all trees.. summore my long chair was on the grass.. it was like this.. from the hotel.. then you go to the pool.. then you see grass with long chairs and tables and shades.. then finally the beach.. so since i swim swim already then duhno where all the mah salleh there get their towels from so i no need towel la,.. just dry myself in the hot breeze... mmmmMMMMMmm.... on the white cushion long chair.. MMMMmm.. and then adjust my chair make it lower so can sleep.. MMMMmmmmMMMMMmmmMMMMMmm.... oklar,.. enuf... now can advertise for ParkCity Everly Hotel.. formerly Holiday Inn.. and then bought over and my mum said some china man duhno how to pronounce 'Beverly' so become 'Everly'... so sad, hoh?
Anyway.. thats life here la.. erm.. friends? so far no friends la..actually the first night itself i took 2 cups of coffee... and so i knew i wont be able to sleep, so after the 6 course chinese dinner with my parents and the leaders then i followed my brother elijah to the youth meeting.. apparently they said that the youth just loved to worship... and yeah~! i like totally agree.. they can spent hours.. and so even after the 6 course dinner they still worshipping.. so geng yah? and so i go with them see the youth people.. but in the end no one come shake hands with me.. >.<
so how? no friends yet lor.. see tonight can make friends or not.. try lah~! try very hard... >.< ....*sniff *sniff ... hmm... those old friends must be thinking what is wrong with me.. well anna no more introvert liao.. become extrovert already.. cant spend time alone for too long.. have to make friends one.. if go long journey like this need to make friends.. networking is important.. if not i feel like my journey there is not worth it.. something like that la...
Hey, guess what? Nope,.. not a new bf,.. guess again.. Erm.. yeap, something weirder than that~! I am in the plane right now,.. nothing to do, so start blogging lor.. no, la.. no internet connection.. just using word.. on my mum¹s lap top.. it¹s a mac~! And I thought she would never let me lay my hands on it~! Well.. I am now..
Well, basically I just wanted to type about my trip to Miri,.. yeah, continuetion from yesterday¹s.. well, in the end I did meet new friends thereŠ there are all the girls because miri church is basically students and students are basically girls.. No,, not dissapointed, because I know it will be more appropriate for me to make more girl friends that guy friends, and if most of them are girls then I just get to make more friends~! Right? Right..
And then I started talking from english to malay to iban.. great.... well yeah,.. I started talking to them all in english but then they are not so comfortable in it, so I decided to talk in bm because the girl next to me at lunch was like saying to her other friends, ³eh, kamu lebih pandai cakap dalam BI, kamu cakaplah dengan dia..² and I was like looking at her,.. oh, her name is Joanne, btw.. and then there is the others.. Li, Vivian, Jaclyn, and Diana.. The one I kam ching with the most is in the end Joanne.. I started talking to her in BM, she is the one who first introduced herself to me, and I already put it into my heart to make only 1 or 2 really good friends when visiting anywhere because my stay there is limited and if I really want to kam ching with anyone, I only can spend time with 1 or 2 in order to build a stronger network,.. the rest can always meet again second time, but I need God to just show me who is the 1 or 2 people whom I should make friends with,.. and I think 1 is better than 2 people.. so far I only kam ching with one wherever I go. In Ipoh, it was Winnie and over here it is Joanne.. Joanne is 15, btw,.. oh,.. and do you know what? I just realized something.. Let me tell you abit about them..
Ok, Winnie is someone who is very mature for her age, and so is Joanne.. they are both people who desire for spiritual things and really have a relationship with God as I see it. I don¹t understand why I so kamching with these kind of people, but I am beginning to see that God specifically brought me all the way there to meet up with them.. in fact, I never told God who I wanted to meet and what kind of people, I just surrendered everything to God to bring them, and whoever it is that I kam ching with then they are the one I am to network with,.. I am very surprised at
the results.. really..
Speaking of networking.. did you know that in the beginnning of the year, being an introvert, I still knew the importance of networking and in my New Year Resolution, i normally write the same general stuff and boring stuff every year.. expected already.. like give God certain amount of money, play piano in church, get good results.. stuff like that la.. but this year I surprisingly wrote something which I kept thinking about every now and then during the year and it really made me so excited whenever I thought about it.. that particular NYR was to meet up with the right people God want me to network with for the school.. and I know it is very important.. but it also makes me excited at the same time..
Oh.. great.. im reaching already,Š the cabin crew are collecting rubbish now.. just now someone keep farting.. so shmelly.. but not as shmelly as likee la.. hehe.. just kidding.. sorry shmelly..
One of the people I found my heart really fixed to was the cf in my college.. now I don¹t know if they are the people whom God has assigned for this mission, but never theless, I knew that if I have such a strong bond with them which I never had with anyone else in my life before, then surely, you know.. there is something in store for us.. and I thought, hey,.. surely if now is the end of the year, I would be confident to put there that this NYR is accomplished successfully because they are such a great bunch of people.. it is not yet half a year and already this NYR is
accomplished.. wau.. surely it was the Holy Spirit who put this NYR into my heart..
but as the year proceeds, things are beginning to happen, I suddenly get a call from my sis during cf prayer meeting asking me to go to Ipoh because she needs help, and I my mum while chatting with her in US, asked me to go to Miri.. Miri of all places? And its not like my parents to take the kids around with them on trips like that.. I mean.. Miri is not exactly like langkawi or what.. but the way she sounded online was as though I always wanted to go to miri or something.. like.. harlo? Who in the universe would ever come out to Miri?? And I didn¹t even know where it was.. Can you believe that? In the plane, on the way there.. i was like chatting with my mum..
" Mum, Miri is near Kuching right? "
" No, Anna.. It's near Brunei. "
" Hah?? Are you sure?? "
" Yeah.. It is.. Thats why people from west malaysia dont take a direct flight to Brunei.. its more expensive. Instead, they take a flight to Miri and then go to Brunei.."
" Oh, okaaayy.... I always thought Miri was near Kuching.. "
And guess what? now i am at home in my room already.. listening to 'history makers' by delirious? and feeling so sleepy and lonely here.. just now called nic to see how he was doing, whether he still sick or not.. how was cf.. got people go yc or not.. but then.. sigh too bad his dad is there, so my call lasted 59 seconds and then no chance to ask him all those questions.. but still i managed to call likee before calling him.. i woke likee up to ask for nic phone number, okay? and then in the end ended up talking to likee summore.. the thing is that in the end, he asked me to pray for him because he got interview on tuesday.. that guy really know how to take opportunity... haha.. his usual words are ::
" Anna, i know you very good/cute/polite/pretty/etc... right? "
then continued by ::
" so can pray for/fetch/ask for/pay for/etc... me right? "
haha.. now you know la.. the more you hang out with him.. like that la.. kakakaka.. jk..esp when you see him almost everyday.. why everytime end up talking about likee wan arh..? cannot la.. he sure perasan one..
now i am telling aaron all the songs i like as i hear them from audio adrenaline.. aiyo.. teruk la.. all the songs i like already.. i supposed not to like audio adrenaline except to sleep... but then i hear the songs all nice nice already.. esp.. 'Beautiful', 'Get Down' and 'Hands and Feet'.. the songs like really nice, weh.. super nice~! >.< ...
What am i talking about now? I'm supposed to talk about Miri, right? Out of topic already.. so fast.. (purposely wan..)
* tRUST & OBey the LORD *
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