.:: .:.: :. You mean the world to God .: .:: :..

:.. He says He loves you more than anything & you mean the world to Him .:.:

.::. He'd do anything for you and He died on the cross to prove it :. .::

..:: When I was 6 years old, my sister told me a story about the lost sheep .::.

.: God had a hundred sheep in His flock ::.

.:.. At the end of the day, when He has brought them home, He would count them to make sure they were all there .::

.:.: One day, He found that there was only ninety-nine and it was already getting late .:

..: Nevertheless, He left the ninety-nine to look for that one which was lost .::.

..::. He searched until it was dark and finally, He heard its cries coming from the valley :..

.:.. He went towards it and found the little lamb wounded and hungry .::.

::. He moved away the rocks and carried it in His arms .:..

.: He embraced it as He said, " I will never give up until I find you. " ..:.: :..

.:: ..: ::. God has only one craving, one dream, one desire - that is you ..: ::.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

New Home, Old House

Guess what??

Yeh.. i moved, man. I'm now right here in pj community.. yeh.. I'm staying in a 2.4 Million 3 storey bungalow howse with about 20 rooms, 13 bathrooms, 2 storerooms, 2 halls, an open air drying area on the top floor and so on and so on.... actually its two howses joined together :) To tell you the truth, i was born there, then i shifted to subang jaya and stayed there for the rest of my life.. or so i twought.. 15 years. And im back here in pj.. once again, in this heritage of a blessed howse. (lemme guess.. youre stwarting to fink i cant shpell 'house' cowwecttly.. shee?? I dhidit~!)

in case you guys wanna go yam char... and since all my friends like you are here in pj or dj instead of sj, and i was missing out on all the fun for sooo long, so thats why I'm here, lor.. >.< but in the end also, only vincent, my ex-student called me out to yam char.. he sooo good you know? take me to ss2 in his red kancil and belanja me mee goreng. hehe.. and teh 'o ais... and then took me for a short drive to spend time chatting about his gf.. how nice. Anyone else wanna come and pick me? wait la.. next month when all my assignments are over.. heh..

my holiday only end of may, mah.. then got 3 months break!! heh... now i got 6 hours break... class canceled again, just like last week, and my next class is from 3-5pm..

ya know, i got a good idea.. i call it wisdom!! yesterday i asked my teacher, mr anslem if i can use the same 2 companies for all my assignments!
-because Manangement requires us to do a study on 2 local companies listed in the stock exchange,
-and Directors and Shareholders requires us to do the same, thats 2 assignment thats due in the mid of may,
-and the third assignment is IT skills but due in Oct. and we have to start gathering info for 6 months on 2 shares/ 2 local or international company..

so i thought i just get the same companie, la! so mr anslem said, "yeah.. save your time"..

well.. what else? i also went jungle trackking last saturday. can you believe that?? well, i'll talk about that another day.. right now, i must concentrate on my assignments first... (we started off at TTDI and ended up in Seri Hartamas because we got lost in the jungle with the mosquitos..eeekkk..) >.<

* tRUST & OBey the LORD *

1 comment:

  1. hey anna! how's life?
    cool u shifted! sigh sadly i've got no car or else we can... hee hee..
    oh my gosh i've been indulging myself with so much food...
    gosh i overstuff my stomach capacity everyday... put on so much weight haha i dun care it's once in like so many months i'm goin back...
    ok c ya soon.. say hi 2 d fellowship fr me!
