Hi mum..
I'm so sorry I took so long to send an e-mail to you, but I remember I said I was going to send you one, so here it is~! =) I guess there were just so many things to say since I arrived. I wish I could tell you everything,.. but too many things de..
:) That time when I said bye to you and "dad" at my house. Erm.. Thanks so much for that hug you gave me - it was the best hug in the world. I never got a hug like that from anyone.. other than God. But then again, God's hug is out of this world =) Thanks so much for that hug. Every time I think of it, it makes me tear.. seriously.
Everytime, without fail.. (you know la.. i very fast cry. That time we watch C7 also cry.. ahah.. I every show also cry. Even funny shows - laugh until cry.
Erm.. too bad I didn't get to hug dad. Didn't know if it was appropriate or not.. ahah.. but at least I got to hug Andrew~!!! Ahahah.. I just had to la.. the notti side of me^^ but he like slumber only.. like he knows he will see me again.. ahah.. well,.. Father knows best =)
I miss helping Andrew with his homework.. =( *sniff* aihh.. the fun timez.. I love the times when we kept laughing.. ahah.. so much for looking back - I look back A LOT. Like everyday.. Don't know if it is okay to look back or not.. like.. miss home. I miss the house too.. and the whole Section 17 area.. I miss eating at the night stalls there.. and the tong sui.. and bobo-chacha.. aiyooo........
But among all the food, your cooking is the one I miss the most. Seriously. I keep thinking about the vegeeeee.... the sawi in soya sauce or something like that.. I don't believe something so simple can make me miss home so much!!! I guess it's because there's no sawi here.. and all the veggies are broccoli and cauliflower.. *sniff sniff* ...and lettuce and cabbage, carrot, zucchini and cucumber.. =( I eat the same food everyday.. I miss home-cooked food...

I tried the cheese in egg you cooked the other day, but I can't seem to taste the cheese!!! It's just not the same! How much cheese did you put per egg? What did you put inside? Soy sauce? Salt? I just put egg and cheese.. no salt, no soya, no nothing - aihhh.. silly me.. I forgot~ (see the pic of the egg and cheese - I cooked it all by myself! And put the sausage inside! - Joey's idea)
I can't wait to try out the Thai dish you learned to cook - one day, one day.. but don't know why, my family don't buy chicken breast one.. *sob sob* they buy all drumstick and chicken wing only.. I don't know why - I think it's cheaper.. I don't like.. I like chicken breast.. =(
And then don't know why - all the pizza we cook comes out burnt!!! Not one will come out okay! Even though we change the chef! No matter who cooks, we sure burnt the pizza! Makes me miss home even more!! And the fridge is stocked with frozen pizzas!!! Miss home food so much! Until that day I cannot tahan de, I told Caleb and Jie that I miss homecooked food- after I sat down at the table, then we prayed, then I look at the food my sis cooked, and although it looked nice, but I still was like.. "Aiyo.. I really miss the mom's cooking.."
And they were like.. "Why? The food here not nice, ah?"
Then I was like.. "no, la.. it's just.. different."
Then they were like.. "you learn to cook la!"
Then I was like.. "even if I cook.." Then Caleb continued for me,"the touch is not there, right?"
And I was like... "... yea :'( "
oh, well.. what to do? Just look at Andrew's pictures and drool.. ahah.. he so bad la he - that day eat Ramli Burger in front of my face~! He so bad - purposely ask to tapau and then eat in front of me!!! hmmph~ then he go and make the sound.. mmmMMMmmMMmmhhh,.. *sob*~
You know, I don't believe, after so long, I still chat with him - in fact, I think we chat more now.. I don't what we chat about, seriously..
At least I get to talk to you once a week.. you seem so busy~! I don't think you even got the time to reply this email! But take your time,.. it's okay.. no hurry.. :) Ahah.. just hope you can tell me how to cook the cheese and egg.. ahahahahah... and perhaps you have a better way of cooking the brocolli!!!! Oh yea.. did you know that there's such thing as Green Cauliflower? =D ..no, I couldn't believe it either! I ate some.. ahah.. it tastes like a cross between cauliflower and broccoli! ahah..

Oh,.. how's the car? I heard Andrew has the stuffies in safe keeping.. ahahah.. stuffy babysitter~! heh heh heh.. I owe him one, really.. oh.. did you manage to send it back to the mechanic? Ahah.. didn't think so.. but the mechanic is still waiting for it, I think..
I'm sorry to leave in such a hurry.. and had to pass all these things for you guys to do.. how very irresponsible of me.. sigh. I hope this is going to be my first and last time leaving.. the other day, I dreamt that everything happened all over again - I dreamt that I was back in Malaysia, and I had so many things to pack up and to dispose, and so many things were important to me that I wanted to keep, and I guess my 'insecurity' was really.. maximized.. that week.. and in my dream, I came back to Malaysia from Australia and had to leave back to Australia again, and it was like history repeated itself - I didn't learn my lesson - I had to say bye to people who were important to me, and yet so much packing to do that was not done, and all that haunted me in the dream again~!! Sigh.. how traumatic. Thank God it was just a dream.. then I woke up, and my mum started questioning me about my stuff back home and a cold chill just ran down my back.. yikes~ scary.
I guess it was because I had to pack alone, and no one was there to help me sort things out.. I guess sometimes I don't know how dependent I am until I am left to settle things on my own. Sometimes I can make it, but sometimes,.. like my assignments and all.. I'll just get really stressed and overwhelmed.

Anyway.. not to worry about that.. these are just things in life I have to learn from and grow up. I guess that's why God put me here in Australia. To learn how to be independent and grow up. Instead of over-depending on people..

Oh,.. you want to know what is my favourite meal here? Ahah.. you won't believe it! - sandwich~! Simple sandwich!!! Just bread with butter, tuna/ham with lettuce! That's it!! And it's the best meal here. Sounds pathetic, isn't it? Yea.. I know.. =.= but it's the best. It means I haven't got jelak of it yet.. yet. I'm still looking out for the next big thing because I know I will get jelak of sandwich very soon.. because I'm about to eat some now.. for branch.. yea.. its 4:11pm and I still haven't eaten anything the whole day.. no, la... today is special.. other days I eat earlier - no worries.. this is the first time eating so late..
I hope to catch up with you again soon.. so many things to write about, and today was mostly about food.. hope I didn't bore you out~!!! =) I did it for the pictures, so you get to see some stuff.. hehe.. ok, i go first..buhbyee